Check your Keyboard. The first thing which you should check is whether your keyboard is indeed in a.
All Surface Pro users know how to force a restart their device. You press and hold down the power button for around 30 seconds and then and release it. This is a Normal shutdown. You press it again to restart it.
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- Apr 02, 2019 Surface Pro 4 not starting, not waking up, not turning on – Many users reported that their tablet isn’t starting at all. According to users, the tablet is unable to wake up or to turn on. Surface Pro 4 not working, not booting – If you’re having this problem, you sometimes won’t be able to boot your Surface Pro 4. In the worst case.
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In normal shutdowns (from Windows or pressing the power button), the kernel session is hibernated. This is known asHybrid Boot. In this mode, the kernel session is not closed, but it is hibernated. This “kernel only” data file is smaller compared to the normal Hibernate file.
However if you shutdown your Surface and it does not turn back on or it does not resolve your issues then following the below will reset the Hardware and fully restart your device.
You need to completely shutdown the device. You can do this by performimg what is called as the Surface Pro Two Button Shutdown. This process ensures that ensure that Surface is turned off completely.
Surface Pro Power Button Issues
Mylock 234d service manual. To do this, press and hold the Volume-up button and the Power button on the your Surface at the same time for 15 seconds and then release both of them. The screen may flash the Surface logo, but remember to continue holding down the buttons for 15 seconds.
Note: This is to be used on Surface Pro tablets only. Do not use this process on Surface RT or Surface 2 tablets.
If you’re Surface Pro 4 is having issues shutting down, normally you would initiate a shutdown manually using the power button by holding it down. Sometime however this doesn’t work and you will need to initiate a two button shutdown.
- Hold Down the Volume Up Button
- Whilst Holding Down the Volume Up Button, Hold and Press the Power Button for 15 seconds

IMPORTANT: You may notice that the Surface logo comes up on the screen during the power down. Do not be fooled thinking that the Surface has shutdown properly.

Surface Pro 4 Power Button Not Working On Hp S2031 Monitor

Surface Pro 4 Power Button Not Working Dfu Mode
If by chance you released the buttons as soon as you saw the Surface Logo come on the screen simply start the process again.