Mahou Shounen Days

Here's the next chapter! I really should have finished the 2nd chapter last month but things happened and it got pushed until today.

V02/c012 Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.02 Ch.012 - It's an Invitation to a Party from the Land of Magic! 73 days ago v02/c011 Bokura wa Mahou Shounen Vol.02 Ch.011 - I'm Sure You'll Come By Tomorrow, Too.

Mahou Shounen Days

Mahou Shounen Podcast - Ep. 4: Personas hablando sobre Persona de una forma muy personal - Duration: 1 hour, 54 minutes. Mahou Sensou or Magical Warfare is anime that technically is about action and magic like the genre has said and thats it. If we're talking about plot, it hasnt. Well, at the first you would introduce that the world has two side world, first it was human world and the other one is wizard and whatever world. Mahou Shounen Majorian. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress,. Masaru is an aggressive boy who leads the other boys in bullying Iori. One day, they encounter a pair of strange extraterrestrial bunnies who turn them into magical girls in order to fight aliens that are invading their town. Manga Related Series. A man who was enjoying an evening drink got transferred to the body of Liam, the fifth son of a nobleman from another world. “I spent easy days practicing the magic I had longed for, and learned not only attribute magic, but also how to summon spirits, obtain powerful familiars, and ended up mastering even.Continue Reading →.

Now, I should have mentioned this on the first chapter but here's the warning. Since you are proceeding to read the chapter two of this story, I suggest that you start throwing away all your impressions, beliefs, and biases you have against Gilgamesh out the window when it comes to Ko-Gil since he will act, speak, think, and even fight differently than Gilgamesh does.

I still don't own Fate series or Nanoha series.

Now enjoy the story!

-Chapter 2: Am I that scary? -


'Haaah…' with a yawn, Ko-Gil got up and stared at the clock to see that it was 5'o clock.

Today, he got up an hour earlier than usual so that he can go and check on how Nanoha was doing after taking Yuuno in last night. However, after all he had to do last night, he only got 3 hours of sleep and was wondering if he should just go back to sleep for one more hour…


'Are you sure that you can take care of him Nanoha?' Ko-Gil asked the girl who was walking next to him.

The two of them were currently heading towards the girl's house and discussing about who will take care of Yuuno.

'I already got permission from my parents so Yuuno-kun can stay at my place.' Nanoha told the boy while looking down upon the small creature in her arms.

'I see…' Ko-Gil nodded. 'If you got your parents' permission, then it should be fine for you to keep Yuuno.' He wasn't going to complain about that. After all, he didn't want to take care of it himself. Not to mention, he can't be with Nanoha all the time so he was hoping that the ferret would be able to watch over her.

'So you will be staying with me Yuuno-kun!' Nanoha told the ferret while smiling happily.

'Thank you for everything Nanoha-san.' Yuuno bowed his head in gratitude, before turning towards the blonde boy. 'and I'm sorry to ask this but I would be grateful if you would be willing to help Nanoha-san while I recover my magical power.'

'You don't need to worry about that, since I was going to help Nanoha even if you told me not to.' Ko-Gil told the ferret before turning to Nanoha. '…and we are here.'

The three of them reached Nanoha's house and went past the gates. Nanoha hoped that her family hasn't realized that she was gone and tried to sneak back into her house… but Nanoha's older siblings, Kyouya and Miyuki, were hiding in the shadows waiting for Nanoha to return home.

'I knew it…' Ko-Gil whispered to himself as he stared at Nanoha's two older siblings. Just as Ko-Gil expected, Nanoha's family seemed to have realized that Nanoha snuck out of the house.

Since he expected this to happen, Ko-Gil was able to discover the two hiding Takamachis. However, Nanoha didn't see them and tried to sneak inside with Yuuno in her arms.

Obviously, trying to sneak inside wasn't going to work. 'Nanoha…' Ko-Gil tried to warn the girl but…

'Welcome home.'

… It was too late.

'O-Onii-chan…' Nanoha quickly hid Yuuno behind her back and turned to see her older brother, Kyouya.

'Just where have you been at this time of night?' Kyouya asked his younger sister before noticing the blonde boy next to her. 'And you as well? Just what are the kids thinking these days?'

'Umm… I was… err…' Nanoha stammered as she tried to come up with an excuse.

Seeing that his companion didn't seem like she could come up with an answer, Ko-Gil decided to answer in her place. 'Hello Kyouya-san, Miyuki-san. Nanoha and I went to the vet for this ferret.' He told them while pointing at Yuuno.

'Hello Gil-kun!' Miyuki greeted the boy as she walked towards them. 'I guess you guys were worried about the ferret and went to check on him, right?'

'It's not that I don't understand how you guys feel… but you shouldn't have snuck out of the house like that Nanoha.' Kyouya scolded his youngest sister before turning to Ko-Gil. 'And I think you should have tried to keep Nanoha from sneaking out of the house instead of going with her to the vet.'

'To be honest, we didn't tell each other that we were going to the vet so we met each other coincidentally.' He told the older man honestly.

'Well, it's fine since they are safe and they are good kids so they won't be doing this again. Right?' Miyuki winked at the two kids as she told them not to go out at night again.

'Yeah…' Nanoha quietly agreed with her older sister. 'Onii-chan… I'm sorry for sneaking out and worrying you.' She bowed her head as she apologized to her brother.

Ko-Gil on the other hand, simply remained silent. After all, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't going to go out at night again.

Miyuki mistook Ko-Gil's silence as him agreeing with her and smiled at the two kids. As for Kyouya, he still seemed to be a little angry but he seemed to have forgiven Nanoha.

'Well then, everything's all right now.' Miyuki concluded before taking a look at Yuuno. 'But it sure is cute isn't it? I'm sure mom will think it's so cute and faint when she first sees it.'

'I'd say the probability of that is very high.' Kyoya agreed.

Ko-Gil nodded in agreement as well, remembering the first time he introduced himself as Nanoha's friend to Nanoha's mother.

'Ah! He's so cute! He's so cute! He's so CUTE!' Momoko Takamachi was screaming while swinging the blonde boy around in her arms.

'Mom! Please take it easy…' Nanoha tried to calm her down but it was useless. Whenever, her mother saw something cute, she wouldn't let go of it and wouldn't listen to what others said either.

'I guess she prefers you over the ferret, Gil-kun.' Miyuki laughed as she watched the young boy get swung around in the air.

'Ahaha…' Ko-gil laughed nervously as he was being swung around. To be honest, he was hoping that Nanoha's mom would hug Yuuno instead of him but it seems like his wish didn't get granted. The first time Momoko met Ko-Gil, she hugged him and wouldn't let go of him until the rest of Nanoha's family got her to let him go… and even then, she was holding on to him for 20 minutes. While she doesn't hug him for that long nowadays, she still does hug him for at least 5 minutes whenever she sees him…


After 3 more minutes of Nanoha trying to get her to stop, Momoko finally let go of Ko-Gil and went to go hug Yuuno this time.

Meanwhile, Shirou Takamachi was trying to recruit Ko-Gil into his soccer team, JFC Midoriya, while his wife was distracted with the animal Nanoha brought with her. 'Gil-kun, you would be a big help. No, I'm sure that with you on the team, we would be able to go to the nationals and win it easily!'

'Thank you for the offer Takamachi-san but I have certain circumstances so I must decline…' Ko-Gil politely declined the offer with a bow.

'Is that so…' Hearing Ko-Gil reject his offer, Shirou was greatly disappointed. It felt like it was such a waste that such a talented kid who can lead his teammates and play so well would not join his soccer team. After all, Nanoha's father has seen the boy winning against a group of middle school students with a team of elementary students. At that time, Ko-Gil's team won by a single goal, however, Shirou could tell that the boy was holding back while controlling the flow of the game. In fact, it was pretty obvious from the beginning of the match that the middle school students had no chance of winning against him.

'Well since it's this late, would you like to stay here for the night Gil-kun?' Miyuki asked the boy while staring at her mother swinging the ferret around.

'I have something that I need to do when I get home so I should be getting back.' Ko-Gil told them as he headed towards the door.

'That's too bad… then make sure to come visit us soon instead.' Miyuki told him as Kyouya nodded his head in agreement.

'I will try Miyuki-san. Then have a good night everyone.'

'Ah, then see you tomorrow Gil-kun!' Nanoha called out after Ko-Gil before going to rescue Yuuno from her mother.

After bowing one last time, Ko-Gil walked away from the Takamachi residence.

As Ko-Gil walked home, he started thinking about all the things he needed to do that night: Getting the local news station to make up a story to explain the damage caused by the monster, having construction workers repair all the craters on the streets, and getting permission from the local government to let him do construction work on the streets near the vet…

He was trying to keep the general populace from finding out that a monster was going wild in the city, as well as keeping the Church and the Mage's Association from finding out about it. After all, Ko-Gil didn't want to get Nanoha involved with those organizations.

Ko-Gil sighed to himself before pulling out his cell phone and contacted the local news station. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to sleep much that night.

Flashback End

'…the van crashed into Uminari Vet at around 10:30 PM last night. Thankfully, there has been no casualty…' the male reporter spoke into his mike as he stood next to a giant hole on the wall of Uminari Vet.

'…' Ko-Gil silently watched the TV as he took another bite of the scrambled egg. After fighting off the urge to go back to sleep and dressing up for school, he was sitting in front of the television and watching the news while munching on his breakfast.

Last night, Ko-Gil had been contacting various people in order to cover up the damages that the Jewel Seed monster caused and it seemed like he had been successful. While it wasn't that difficult to cover up a giant hole in the wall and few craters on the streets, he didn't like the fact that he was the one who had to take care of the damage done by the monster.

During the Holy Grail War, no matter how much damage the Servants caused, the Holy Church was there to cover it up. However, apart from Ko-Gil there was nobody from the Holy Church and nobody from the Mage's Association in Uminari City so that it was up to him to take care of any problems that came up.

Still, it was better for him to take care of the problem rather than get punished by the Church (by Church he means angry Caren) and Nanoha would be safer if the Church and the Magi didn't get involved in this incident. Also, it didn't cost him all that much money to cover up the damages (only several million yen) so he wasn't complaining much.

After concluding that he had successfully covered up any evidence of the Jewel Seed monster going wild, Ko-Gil turned off the television and continued eating his breakfast.

After finishing his breakfast, it took Ko-Gil 30 minutes to get to Nanoha's house.

As he approached the entrance to her house, he thought about what to talk about with Nanoha. While Ko-Gil didn't think that something bad could have happened to the girl in the short time he was away from her, he couldn't help but be worry about her.

Ko-Gil knew that the girl's father wasn't exactly a normal person, however Nanoha herself was without a doubt, a normal girl who had nothing to do with the supernatural.

For someone like her to discover the existence of magic as well as use it last night, it wouldn't have been surprising for her to feel overwhelmed by all that has happened recently. While thinking that, he reached for the doorbell.

As he was about to ring the doorbell-

'Gil-kun can you hear me?'

Nanoha's voice rang out in his head, causing him to freeze for a second. 'Nanoha?'

'Ah, it worked!' the girl sounded excited as she continued speaking into his mind. 'Since you said that you weren't a mage last night, I wasn't sure if I would be able to speak with you like this but it seems like there was no need to worry.'

Ko-Gil paused to think for couple of seconds. Judging by the way Nanoha was able to respond to his thoughts, it would seem that Nanoha was communicating with him telepathically. 'How are you doing this?' He asked the girl in his mind.

'Yuuno-kun told me that I should be able to talk like this since I'm a mage.' The girl explained. 'and it seems that I can talk with you as well!'

'That's amazing!' Ko-Gil was impressed at how talented the girl was. Not only was she able to seal a monster on the day that she found out about magic, she learned how to communicate telepathically in just a single night!

As Ko-Gil marveled at how easily Nanoha was learning to use magic that should be complex for many magi, he suddenly realized that his hand was still reaching for the doorbell. 'Well I'm in front of your house right now so get ready for school Nanoha.' He told her as he rang the doorbell.

'Front!' Nanoha looked out the window to see the blonde boy waving back at her with a smile. 'O-okay. Just a minute!' Nanoha hastily replied before going silent, probably getting ready for school.

'Take your time.' It wasn't like he was going to leave without her after all.

The boy waited patiently for the girl to come out and soon enough, he could hear the sound of footsteps coming closer.

'Who is it?' Miyuki asked as she opened the door to see a blonde boy staring back at her.

'Good morning Miyuki-san.' Even though she wasn't the person that he was waiting for, Ko-Gil still politely bowed to Nanoha's older sister.

'Morning, Gil-kun!' Miyuki smiled down at the blonde boy. 'It's unusual to see you at this time of the day.'

'I wanted to go to school together with Nanoha.' Ko-Gil told her with a smile. 'Is she ready to go to school?'

'Ah, she should be here any moment-'

'Sorry for making you wait!' Nanoha came out of the house in her school uniform. 'Let's go Gil-kun.'

'Then I'll see you later Miyuki-san.'

'See you later!' Miyuki waved at the two kids as they left for the school bus.

As the two of them got on the school bus together, the boys greeted the blonde boy as usual.

'Morning boss!'

'Hi boss!'

'Good morning.' Ko-Gil greeted them as he passed by them and walked to the back of the bus where Suzuka and Alisa were sitting. 'Good morning Suzuka-san, Alisa-san!'

'Good morning!' Nanoha greeted the two girls from behind Ko-Gil.

'Hey did you guys hear about what happened last night?' Alisa asked Nanoha and Ko-Gil as they sat down.

'About what?' Nanoha asked the blonde girl.

'On the news, they said that the vet we went to yesterday had a car accident and the wall was smashed in.' Suzuka replied to her while looking worried.

'Oh, I saw the news too!' Ko-Gil told them as he recalled what was on the morning news. 'They said that a van crashed into the vet.'

Mahou shounen days

'Eh!' Nanoha turned to Ko-Gil with wide eyes. 'A van…?'

'So we've been worried about the ferret…' Alisa told them as Suzuka nodded in agreement.

'Um, about that…' Nanoha tried to explain to Suzuka and Alisa but was cut off by Ko-Gil.

'Nanoha and I came across the ferret outside the vet last night and it's at Nanoha's house right now.'

'Really? So he's safe in your house, Nanoha.'

'I'm relieved to hear that.' Alisa and Suzuka smiled in relief while Nanoha laughed nervously.

'Well, it's a good thing that we didn't get involved in any car accident last night right Nanoha?' Ko-Gil asked with a smile. It was true that they didn't get involved in a car accident… it was a monster after all.

'Huh? Oh yeah. Ahaha…' Nanoha laughed nervously while looking uneasy. 'Hey Gil-kun, we're not lying are we?' Nanoha asked telepathically.

'Of course not. We are just withholding information. After all, we don't want them to find out about the monster and Jewel Seed right?'

'I suppose so…' Nanoha didn't sound convinced but still agreed with him.

Meanwhile, Ko-Gil noticed that Suzuka and Alisa were staring at Nanoha who was still laughing nervously and decided to change the subject. 'Anyways, it seems like Nanoha's parents are fine with having a ferret around so it seems like Nanoha will be taking care of it for a while.'

'I see.' Alisa muttered before remembering something. 'So all we have to do is come up with a name for him.'

'Have you decided on a name for him?' Suzuka asked Nanoha while wondering which name would fit the ferret.

'Yeah. His name is Yuuno-kun.' Nanoha told them, remembering the name the ferret introduced itself as.

As the three girls continued to talk about the ferret, Ko-Gil thought about what's going to happen from now on.

'So you are saying that these Jewel Seeds are artifacts that grant wishes?' Ko-Gil asked to make sure he heard it correctly.

'Yes, but their power can become unstable like what happened last night, and sometimes, they'll turn on the stone's user and devour everything in the area, including the user's spirit.' Yuuno explained to Ko-Gil and Nanoha, who were pretending to pay attention to class while communicating telepathically with the magical ferret.

'I see.' Ko-Gil thought about what he just learned. Jewel Seeds were ancient relics from outer space that could be classified as Holy Grails, artifacts that can grant the wishes of their wielder. The Grail in Fuyuki was labeled as the 726th Grail more than 500 years ago and since Jewel Seeds would be 917th Grail to be found on Earth, it would seem that every few years, a new Grail is being discovered…and if the Church were to find out about it, Church Executors will come flooding this city… Ko-Gil shuddered at the thought of those ruthless killers going around Uminari City.

'So why was something so dangerous in my neighborhood?' Nanoha asked while pretending to be writing on her notebook.

'It's my fault…' Yuuno replied with voice filled with regret. He then told them that he was an archaeologist who found the Jewel Seeds. After that, a team of investigators tried to put them into safekeeping but the ship that was carrying it had an accident, resulting in 21 Jewel Seeds falling on Earth. '…and we've only managed to find two so far.'

'If the Jewel Seeds are here because of the ship had an accident, then it's not your fault at all.' Ko-Gil pointed out the obvious.

'He's right Yuuno-kun, that's not your fault at all.'

'But it was me who found them so I have to find them all and return them to where they should be...'

'Well, I'm not going to stop you going after them yourself.' Ko-Gil told the ferret. 'however, the problem is that there are still 19 more of these Jewel Seeds lying around.'

'So another 19 left…' Nanoha shuddered as she remembered the monster from last night.

'I apologize for getting you all involved' Yuuno apologized. 'but if you could let me stay with you for a bit longer and rest for a few days, my magical powers will return. So if I could stay until then…'

'And then you will go out to get the rest of the Jewel Seeds by yourself?' Ko-Gil was pretty sure he knew what the answer was going to be but he still asked anyway.


'I won't let you.' Nanoha and Ko-Gil replied at the same time.

'Y-you won't?'

'I won't let you do it alone.' Nanoha told him firmly.

'Same here.'Ko-Gil agreed. 'After seeing how you ended up after getting one Jewel Seed, I highly doubt you will be able to get all 19 of them by yourself.'

'It will be dangerous like last night…'

'But it would be bad if people ran into those things right? So I'll help you as much as I can.'

'I won't take a 'no' for an answer Yuuno. Just call me whenever you find a Jewel Seed'

Nanoha and Ko-Gil continued to persuade the ferret into accepting their help and after a while, Yuuno gave in.

'Thank you…' After expressing his gratitude, Yuuno was silent for the rest of school.

'I'm on Gil-sama's team!'

'Me too!'

'Yeah we are going to win now!'

'… How are we going to play if everyone's on my side?' Ko-Gil asked the group of boys at the park as they tried their best to be on the blonde boy's side.

'But I don't wanna lose…'

'Me too…'

'Don't kick me to the other side boss!'

'Guys, we won't be able to play at this rate…' Ko-Gil sighed as all of the boys refused to be on the other team.

It was after school and Ko-Gil was at the park with the boys from his class in order to play soccer. While Ko-Gil usually escorted the three girls to the cram school after school, the girls didn't have cram school today so after parting ways with them, he decided to play soccer at the park with the other boys.

'Why don't you just divide us into two teams?' One of the boys asked the blonde boy and the rest of them agreed as well.

'If you don't mind me choosing then...' Ko-Gil relented and started pointing at the boys and assigned them to a team until-

'Gil! A new Jewel Seed has been activated.' Yuuno's voice rang out inside the blonde boy's head.

'Another one?' Since Ko-Gil had to deal with a Jewel Seed last night, he didn't expect that another one would show up so soon. 'Where?'

'At the local shrine near my house.' Nanoha replied this time. 'I'm heading there right now.'

'I'll see you there then Nanoha!' Ko-Gil told the girl in his mind before turning to the group of boys. '…sorry guys but something came up that needs to be taken care of. Let's play some other day.' he apologized to them before dashing off.

'Where are you going?'

'Ah, he already left…' Before the boys could stop him, Ko-Gil ran off, disappearing from their eyesight.

When Ko-Gil got to the hill that the shrine was on, he ran up the side of the hill instead of going to the entrance to the shrine in order to get to the shrine as fast as possible. As he started looking around the shrine for any sign of Jewel Seed, he heard a voice in his head again.

'Gil-kun, where are you?' Nanoha asked him telepathically.

'I'm at the shrine.' Ko-Gil replied as he continued looking around. 'Are you sure that it's here?'

'It's at the entrance to the shrine.' Yuuno responded this time. 'Hurry!'

'Oh, ok. I'll be there.' Ko-Gil started running towards where the staircase to the shrine was while regretting not coming up to the shrine from the entrance. After all, if he had come up here through the stairs, he probably wouldn't have missed the Jewel Seed.

As the boy ran towards the entrance of the shrine, he saw what appeared to be a very large black dog…no, perhaps it's more correct to say that it resembled a dog because it had four eyes and had tusks and horns growing out of it. The beast didn't seem to notice the blonde boy coming closer and was only staring at the girl in front of it, holding on to a staff.

'Nanoha!' Ko-Gil shouted out as the beast jumped at her.

He watched in horror as the monster crashed into the girl and a cloud of dust appeared… only for the girl to have transformed into her magical girl clothes without a single scratch on her.

Nanoha blinked as she sat on the ground, wondering just what had happened. Meanwhile, the monster turned back after hearing Ko-Gil's shout to see… a small boy glaring at it.

'Don't think that I'll forgive you for attacking her...' Ko-Gil proclaimed to the beast as ripples appeared in the air behind him.

The beast trembled as it stared at the boy, no the thing that was in front of it. While the creature lacked the intelligence of a human being, it could tell that whatever was in front of it was more of a monster than it was. As its instinct screamed out that it was going to get killed by the small boy, its mind only screamed out one thing.

Kill it.

Kill it.

Kill it before it kills me!

Urged on by its instinct, the monster charged at the boy, only thinking about ripping it apart before he gets killed by it.

However, the boy simply stood there without doing anything as he watched the beast coming closer and closer.

'Gil-kun!' Nanoha watched in horror as the beast opened its mouth and was about to rip the boy apart-


-only for chains to shoot out from nowhere and wrap around the beast, leaving it immobilized and suspended in the air.

'I guess it's impossible for you to break free from this.' Ko-Gil muttered as he stared at the black monster that was struggling against the ever tightening chains.

Enkidu is a chain Noble Phantasm that became stronger against opponents with high divinity and against a monster like this that had no divinity, it wouldn't have been strong enough to hold it down. However, Ko-Gil had the chain wrapped around his arm, making it become strong enough to hold down even Hercules, due to the blonde boy's high rank in divinity.

'Now then… it's time to end this.'

Just as he was about to pierce the monster with swords…

'You did it!' Yuuno shouted at Ko-Gil as he appeared from the side. 'Now seal it Nanoha!'

'Ok!' Nanoha replied as she got up and pointed her staff at the monster.

Ko-Gil watched as pink ribbons of light shot from the girl's staff and wrapped around the monster. Just like the monster from last night, Roman numeral XVI appeared on its forehead.

'Lyrical Magical, Jewel Seed Serial XVI! Seal!' Nanoha shouted out as she lifted her staff into the air.


In response to the staff's mechanical command, the monster started glowing before turning into a small dog with a Jewel Seed floating above it, before it got absorbed into Nanoha's staff.

'Receipt Number XVI.' Raising Heart confirmed that the Jewel Seed had been sealed.

'We did it!' Nanoha smiled as she returned to her casual clothes and returned her staff into a red jewel.

'Yup!' Ko-Gil agreed before noticing the unconscious dog on the ground. 'So this little dog was the monster?' Ko-Gil asked as he walked over to where the dog was laying on the ground.

'Yes, the Jewel Seed possessed this animal and turned it into a monster.' Yuuno explained before pausing for a second. 'But this one should have been a lot tougher than the monster from last night due to the Jewel Seed having possessed an animal, but it seems like you didn't have any problems with it.

'That's right.' Nanoha agreed. 'Couldn't you have done that with the monster from last night as well?'

'Ah, about that... there are two reasons that I had trouble with the monster last night. One was that the monster's regenerative capability was too great. Even when I cut it into pieces, it would still be able to go back to how it was before. Secondly, we were at a residential district so any attack that might have been able to take down the monster in one hit would probably have resulted in civilian casualties as well as enormous damage.' Ko-Gil paused for a few seconds before continuing. 'However, the monster this time may have been stronger but it had a more solid form than the previous one so I was able to bind it.'

'I see.' Yuuno nodded in understanding.

'Um… I don't really understand…' Nanoha frowned as she tried to comprehend what the boy said.

'It's alright.' Ko-Gil smiled at the girl. 'I'm sure that we will be able to seal any Jewel Seeds that will appear in the future.'

'Un.' Nanoha nodded in agreement before staring at the dog. 'Ah! It's waking up.'

The small dog slowly opened its eyes… to see Ko-Gil staring down at it.

'You are right! Then, I guess it's about time I punish you for attacking Nanoha.' Ko-Gil reached down for the dog. He didn't think that Nanoha would like it if he hurt the dog, so he was just going to scold it for a bit. However, before he could get a hold of it, the dog got up and instantly started running away from the boy.

'Wait!' Ko-Gil watched as the terrified dog cried out pitifully as it ran down the stairs.

'You shouldn't scare it like that Gil-kun.' Nanoha scolded the boy.

'I wasn't trying to scare it though…' I was just trying to scold it. Ko-Gil thought to himself as he watched the dog run away before noticing a girl lying unconscious on the ground next to him. 'Who is this?'

'I think she fainted when she saw the Jewel Seed monster.' Nanoha replied to him as she stared at the girl as well. 'Ah, she's waking up!'

'Huh? Did I trip and hit my head?' The girl who seemed to be in high school looked around as she got up from the ground.

'Are you alright ma'am?' Ko-Gil asked the girl as he helped her get up on her feet.

'Thank you… but have you seen a small dog around here?'

'Ah… I believe I saw a small dog running towards the park…' Ko-Gil told the girl as he began to have a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

'Oh no! Wait for me!' The owner of the dog ran towards the park in search of her dog.

'Umm, so good job I guess?' Nanoha asked as she watched the girl disappear from sight.

'We did get the Jewel Seed so I guess so.' Ko-Gil replied with a smile. He didn't get to punish the dog but Nanoha was safe and they got the Jewel Seed, so everything was alright.

'Yes, you did well.' Yuuno nodded in agreement.

'Well, now that we're done here…' Ko-Gil stretched his arms. 'We should go get some rest since it's getting late now.'

'I'm getting hungry as well.' Nanoha started walking down the stairs before pausing for a second. 'Would you like to come eat dinner at my place, Gil-kun?'

'I'd love to!' Ko-Gil replied immediately. Nanoha's mom was good at cooking after all. Ko-Gil thought to himself before freezing. '...but Nanoha, please protect me from your mother this time…'

'I'll try.' Nanoha giggled as she watched her friend's face become pale.

'I'm not sure if I want to go now-'

'Let's go!' Nanoha grabbed the hesitating boy's hand and started to run down the stairs. 'I'm sure mom and dad would love to see you!'

'Hold on a second!' Ko-Gil shouted as Nanoha continued to run down the stairs, dragging him along with her.

-Chapter 2 End-

Tiger Dojo 2

Tiger Dojo is a strange hint corner…

Mahou X Shounen X Days Episode 1

You have been warned.

Taiga: 'Hello! I'm Fujimura Taiga, the instructor of the Tiger Dojo, a dream-like hint corner that answers any questions that the readers might have.'

Mahou X Shounen X Days Drama Cd

Ilya: 'And I'm Ilya, keeping Taiga company out of compassion, even though I don't have to be here.'


Ilya: 'Ouch… why did you hit me with that shinai?'

Taiga: 'You should know why.'

Ilya: 'Nope, I don't. Anyways, what is the theme this time, Taiga?'

Taiga: 'Yes, our topic this time will be about… Ko-Gil.'

Ilya: 'Again?'

Taiga: 'Yes. It would appear that a lot of the readers were wondering just how powerful this kid was. So we brought in a special guest who knows about him the best.'

Shirou: 'Huh? Where am I?'

Ilya: 'Hi onii-chan, welcome to the Tiger Dojo!'

Shirou: 'Ilya?'

Taiga: 'Don't worry Shirou, you are not dead this time.'

Shirou: 'Taiga too? Wait, what do you mean by dead?'

Ilya: 'You usually come here when you made a stupid mistake or if you are dead but this time, you are here as a guest.'

Taiga: 'Just think of it like you are having a very horrible nightmare.'

Shirou: 'Okay…?'

Ilya: 'Anyways, please tell us how strong Ko-Gil actually is and how he fights.'

Shirou: 'Ko-Gil? Do you mean kid Gilgamesh?'

Taiga: 'Yeah.'

Shirou: 'Well… the thing about kid Gilgamesh is that he actually uses the Noble Phantasms in the Gate of Babylon instead of just shooting them out.'

Taiga: 'I see… but I thought that Gilgamesh didn't have any skills when it came to fighting.'

Shirou: 'Yes he is no master swordsman. However, he knows how to use the abilities associated with those Noble Phantasms and he will use them unlike his older self that just shoots weapons at his opponents. For example, the adult Gilgamesh will just shoot a sword that can shoot a ball of fire like an arrow but the kid Gilgamesh will use the sword to actually shoot a ball of fire.'

Ilya: 'I see… so is that why he threw that axe before?'

Shirou: 'I suppose so.'

Ilya: 'But wouldn't that consume a lot more prana than just shooting those swords?'

Shirou: 'Adult Gilgamesh is worth around five Servants prana wise and while the kid Gilgamesh has less prana than the adult one, he still should have more than Saber. The only bad thing would be that he doesn't have a source of prana since Caren isn't a magus and Gilgamesh isn't consuming the souls of children now.'

Taiga: 'I see, so his fighting style is overwhelming your enemy with numerous Noble Phantasms and ending the fight as soon as possible?'

Shirou: 'I suppose so. He doesn't have an external source of prana so he is using prana generated from his own body so it wouldn't be good for him to fight for a long time continuously. Luckily, as he body is of flesh and blood, he won't have to worry about disappearing due to running out of prana.'

Ilya: 'I hope this answered some of the readers' questions.'

?: 'Ko-Gil' has been added to the Servants dictionary.

Taiga: 'Huh? Did you hear a weird sound just now?'

Ilya: 'Nope.'

Taiga: 'Well then. The story is just getting started. On the next chapter, the battle for Jewel Seed will finally… start… or maybe it won't start yet…'

Ilya: 'Which is it?'

Taiga: 'Hmmm… I guess we should wait for the next chapter…?'

Shirou: 'Can I go home now?'

Ilya: 'I guess so since we don't need you anymore onii-san.'

Taiga: 'Bye Shirou! And see you all next time.'

Ilya: 'Later everyone!'

Tiger Dojo 2 End

-Tiger Stamp 2 obtained-

Servant Dictionary:


Class: Archer

Master: Caren Ortensia
True Name: Gilgamesh
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: not sure
Alignment: Lawful Good (Chaos Good)
(The rank in parenthesis is adult Gilgamesh's rank)

Mahou X Shounen X Days

Strength: C (B)
Endurance: C (B)
Agility: C (B)
Prana: B (A)
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: A++ (Ex)

Class Abilities:
Magic Resistance: C. Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.
Independent Action: A++. Servant can remain in this world for indefinitely even without a master. (Noble Phantasm can be used without external source of prana by using one's own circuits but the Servant will still be affected by command seals). The only explanation I could come up with as to how Gilgamesh can use NPs without any external source of prana.

Mahou Shounen Days

Golden Rule: A. Money problems are completely unknown.
Charisma: A+. At this point it is no longer popularity, but rather a kind of spell (curse) in itself. (The reason Ko-Gil's group of friends are called the 'Gil-brigade'. They view him as a leader and an idol more so than as a friend. Ko-Gil would rather be treated as an equal friend among his peers so he blames this skill for the way others treat him and feels bitter about this skill)
Divinity: A+ (B). Gilgamesh is 2/3 demigod. (unlike his older self, he does not have any hatred towards the gods thus retaining his original rank. Possesses the greatest divinity)

Noble Phantasm:
Gate of Babylon (The King's Treasury):
Rank: E~A++
Type: Anti-Unit
A key-shaped sword that connects to the golden capital. By connecting reality to the vault, he can pick and use the items in it as he pleases. Needless to say, the Noble Phantasm becomes more powerful with the wealth of the owner.
(Gilgamesh can also insert objects directly into Gate of Babylon without touching it. Needless to say one doesn't need to carry anything anymore with this Noble Phantasm. When an object enters Gate of Babylon the possession of the object goes from the actual owner of the item to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh will also receive any information about that object such as its properties, function, etc. From Fate/Hollow Ataraxia). Gate of Babylon is not an armory but a treasury. The things inside it range from first-class swords to wine to even hundreds of ping pong balls.
Enuma Elish (Star of Creation that Splits Apart Heaven and Earth):
Rank: A++ (Ex)
Type: Anti-Fortress (Anti-World)
Range: 1~99
Maximum Target: 1000 persons
Space-ripping via Ea (Sword of Rupture). By compressing and accelerating wind pressure, it becomes a fake space-time dislocation that pulverizes any opposition. Its attack power is so strong that an elimination rank AC or a counterattack with a equivalent damage level is needed to defend against this Noble Phantasm. With the backup of the Noble Phantasms in his treasure chest, its power multiples all the more. Its rank is equal to Saber's Excalibur, but it is a sword which possesses greater power, which 'cut the world apart'.
(Naturally, Ko-Gil has lesser magic capacity than his older self which makes it so that he can't use the full power of Ea. Just like how Saber's injured arm made Excalibur into a anti-unit noble phantasm, Ko-Gil can only use Ea as an anti-fortress noble phantasm. In order to use the full power of this noble phantasm, he would need to find an external source of prana). As it is, it can still overpower Saber's Excalibur but not much more than that. Also, using it will drain Ko-Gil, thus making it his last resort attack. Unless an opponent requires this Noble Phantasm to be defeated, Ko-Gil will never use it.

Author's notes: Here's the second chapter of Mahou Shounen Ko-Gil. To be honest, I was going to post the second chapter last month (in April) but I wasn't able to save it when the laptop ran out of battery, so I had to rewrite this chapter over again… Not to mention I had finals and stuff but since it's summer break now, the next chapter should be completed in less than a week and another day or two for betaing. So you can expect the next chapter soon.


By the way, you can probably tell that the stat for Ko-Gil is different from the stat for Gilgamesh in Fate/Stay Night and that's because the stats were based on Gilgamesh from Fate/Zero. Since Gilgamesh said that the Grail didn't have any effect on him apart from giving him flesh and blood, the only reason I could come up with as to why Gilgamesh's stat was so horrible in Fate/Stay Night was because after drinking the elixir of youth and becoming a kid after 4th Holy Grail War, Kotomine had been making the kid Gilgamesh drink wine and stay locked up in the basement while making him consume the soul of the children. I seriously doubt that Gilgamesh's stat would go back to the way it was as he grows up. However, this Ko-Gil's stat will probably become like those of Fate/Zero's Gilgamesh when he grows up (considering the fact that Caren won't make him drink wine, stay locked up in the basement, nor make him consume people's souls).

Now there was someone who seemed to be confused so I'll answer him. Ko-Gil is indeed a member of the Church (because his master is also from Church) but he never revealed to Nanoha that he was (he just thought to himself that time).

Also, Ko-Gil does not hate Yuuno. He doesn't like the fact that Yuuno got Nanoha involved with the Jewel Seed incident but since Nanoha seems to be fine with that, he is also fine with it.

As for other characters from Fate like Shirou and Saber, they are alive right now but they are not really relevant to the story at this moment (though you may seem them at the Tiger Dojo from time to time). However, in the future they might pop up in the main story… who knows…

As for this chapter, I don't think there was too much action but I believe there will be more actions in the next chapter so look forward to that.

Mahou Shounen Days Of

The story is currently at the Jewel Seed Arc right now and I have planned for the story to go until Strikers (perhaps beyond)

That's about all I'm going to say.

Please Read and Review as reading the reviews makes me want to write faster. Questions and comments are always welcome and expect an update soon!