Mstat was developed to help students analyze their data using nonparametric statistical methods. This program grew out of a graduate course, 'Statistical Problems in Genetics and Molecular Biology,' taught by the Department of Oncology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison over the last 30 years.
This site will have the latest version of the Mstat software package for Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux, available from the Download link above. Help for using Mstat is also available.
As in the past, the help files include a copy of the notes for the 'Statistical Problems …' course mentioned above. These course notes have been made into a book. Both paperback and ebook versions are available, as detailed on the Help page.
Researchers can use this software to generate the design of experiments (RCB, CRD, Lattice), print labels, and collect, organise, and analyse the data. MSTAT is a complete package containing all the programs listed below. ORDERING DETAILS MSTAT Software and Operations Manual Cost $200 Licenses for additional computers are available. نرم افزار mstat-c نرم افزار کامپیوتری قدیمی ای است که توسط دپارتمان علوم گیاه و خاک دانشگاه ایالتی میشیگان آمریکاتهیه شده است. AcaStat statistical software is an inexpensive and easy-to-use data analysis tool. Create and analyze crosstabulations, descriptive statistics, basic significance tests, and summary reports. Ideal for those who need a low-cost alternative for producing basic summary statistics at school or work. Mstat was developed to help students analyze their data using nonparametric statistical methods. This program grew out of a graduate course, 'Statistical Problems in Genetics and Molecular Biology,' taught by the Department of Oncology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison over the.
Mstat 7.0.1 released December 4, 2020
This release provides a major update to the underpinnings of Mstat, including J901 and Qt 5.12. For macOS users, the most important change is compatibility with the increased Catalina (version 10.15) security framework, with both the installer and application notarized. New features include drag-and-drop functionality in the multisample dialog boxes, and the ability to order samples in bar charts in increasing (or decreasing) magnitude. For those obsessing over diagnostic testing in this time of pandemic, methods to compute and plot Bayesian predictive values are included in the Design menu. See the Version History tab for additional, small bug fixes.
Mstat 6.6.2 released March 31, 2020
This release fixes the computation of P-values for the Wilcoxon rank sum test in cases with very small sample sizes and heavy ties.
Mstat 6.6.1 released March 4, 2020
This release fixes the update problems that were caused by moving the Mstat website to a new server, but does not provide any new features. Mstat version 7.0.1 with new features will be released later this Spring. If you are already using Mstat 6.5.1 you can continue to do so, but know that the Help > Check for updates function doesn't work.
macOS Catalina update October 21, 2019
The release of macOS Catalina (10.15) includes tightened security for apps downloaded from the internet. The macOS disk image for Mstat is now notarized by Apple to allow installation on Catalina. Some additional steps are also required to install and run Mstat on macOS Catalina. See the Download page for further information.
Mstat 6.5.1 released May 15, 2019
This new version of Mstat provides updates to the core software, using J807 and Qt 5.9.8. The plug-in module now allows loading of plug-ins during an active Mstat session, with the plug-in available only for the duration of the current session. In addition, any J script may be loaded for use in the current session. Other improvements include the ability to print the values used in X-Y band plots to the output window, and easier access to a J Terminal window during the Mstat session.
Mstat 6.4.2 released March 26, 2018
A minor bug affecting the exact permutation test was fixed. The Qt libraries were also updated to version 5.9.4
Mstat 6.4.1 released February 1, 2018
Several improvements have been made to the plotting functions in Mstat. A new plot type, the XY band plot, allows you to plot X-Y data series with the median/mean of the Y values at each X value plotted as a marker/line surrounded by a lighter color band that represents either the first-third quartile range or a specified confidence interval. In addition, dual Y-axis plots are now available so that multiple data series, with distinct Y-axis scales, can be graphed on the same plot. Various minor bugs in the plot system have also been corrected.
I've also updated the underlying engines for this software to J806 and Qt 5.9.3. As a result, the macOS version of Mstat will only run on 64-bit versions of the operating system (macOS versions 10.10 and later). A legacy version for 32-bit macOS 10.6 (Snowleopard) is available.
Statistical (and other) Packages Available as Free Software |
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This page lists primarily statistical software, along with mapping, spreadsheets, database, stuff to do data analysis or management. All of the packages are free to use, that is: there is no charge for individuals to use them. Many of the websites say that individuals are free to download and use the packages. In some cases, there may be charges to institutions. Some of the packages are also open, that is, they are free to use and the source code is freely available so anyone can make modifications to the programs if they wish to. At the bottom of this page, I list a few sites that have information about what 'free' means.
Please note: I've only used a few of these software programs a little bit, so I can't say much about how good they are, whether they crash, have viruses, or much else about them. If you use them, please let me know how well they work. If there are any major problems, I'll take them off this list. I'm sorry to add the usual disclaimer that, while I don't expect any problems with them, if you use any of these, I can't be responsible for any problems that may occur. Also, I'm not necessarily recommending any, just providing info and links.
There are many free statistical programs. See this article at Citizendium about free statistical software.
Also see here for a brief summary of some of the programs.
Several of these stat programs were reviewed in an article in Opus 12, a journal covering Opus 12 Foundation research. Stawicki SPA. Guide to free statistical software: General applications. OPUS 12 Scientist 2010;4(1):12-13. Reviewed OpenStat, Sofa, PSPP, MicrOsiris and a few others. Just describes the programs.
Another review looked at R and mentioned a few others (OpenStat and MicroOsiris). 'Free Statistics Software, Yours, Free to keep....' Felix Grant, Scientific Computing World, Sept/Oct 2004,
This isn't a review of the packages, but a look at which ones are popular The Popularity of Data Analysis Software, by Robert A. Muenchen
Also look at this, the most popular response, by Robert Thomas Brennan · Harvard University, explaining some of the difficulties in answering which is the most popular. For example, excel has a lot of statistical functions, but isn't thought of as statistical software so may not be counted
I also compared 8 programs (LazStat, easyreg, epidata, WinIDAMS, instat, MicrOsiris, Epi Info and PSPP), and added exceland Gnumeric, when data sets have no missing values, shown here Basically, for correlation and simple regression, all gave the same or similar results. Some also had the same results for forward stepwise.
I also compared 6 programs (MicrOsiris Epi Info, WinIDAMS, Instat, PSPP, JASP), when data sets do have missing values, shown here Basically,forcorrelationandsimpleregressionallgavethesameresults.ThesearealsotheonlyprogramsthatIcangettosuccessfullyandreliably handle missing data with my data sets. WinIDAMS isn't so easy but after a lot of tries and emails with UNESCO staff, I understood it well enough to get it to work.
Other lists of free stat software
John C. Pezzullo's list of free statistical software The First and MAIN list of software. I got links to several of the stat packages listed here from Mr. Pezzullo's site, which lists more info about each package.
StatSci list of free software also lists some of the above.
List of free statistical software list of some programs with lots of notes about many of them, i.e., features, requirements.
Evaluation Portal lists software and features of them.
Association for Survey Computing software index Supposed to list some free stat software. They are updating and the list is currently not available.
Betty Jung's page
Predictive Analytics, top 50 free stat software only some of them are statistical software. Include pspp, sas university edition, R, a few others.
Free Statistical Software
Epi Info
Epi Info is available from
It is very large in size and will take considerable time to download. This is a program for entering and analyzing data, developed for epidemiologists, but can be used for basic statistical analysis by anyone. This program is also not easy to learn on your own, but see a couple of free on line manuals:
This site also links to Introduction to Epi Info and other resources
The North Carolina Center for Public Health Preparedness Training Website has free on line training classes for epi info.
CDC tutorials
CDC/Census Bureau software
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CSPro (Census and Survey Processing System) a public-domain software package for entering, tabulating and mapping census and survey data.
R is a very widely used program, with tons of documentation
R: The Comprehensive R Archive Network 'R,alsoknownas'GNUS',isalanguageandenvironmentforstatisticalcomputingandgraphics.' Itis,Iunderstand,likeS+,astatisticallanguage. Ris better for graphics than SAS. However, R is complex, and takes a lot of study, so only use this if you have complex statistical or graphical needs. If this site doesn't work, try in the US, or in the UK.
There are many graphical interfaces. Several are reviewed here and this June 2012 issue of Journal of Statistical Software also reviews several of the GUIs and this page from Here is a poll on which GUIs are most used (R Studio was the top, out of 562 votes). Here is a 2015 list of the 'Best free GUIs for R' Just a few words about each one.
Another interface is Fromthewebsite'RKWardismeanttobecomeaneasytouse,transparentfront end to the R-language, a very powerful, yet hard-to-get-into scripting-language with a strong focus on statistic functions. '
Deducer havetoclickonthemanual or download. Deducer is reviewed here Ian Fellows, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 49, Issue 8, Jun 2012.
R studio another interface.
Zelig 'Zelig is a single, easy-to-use program that can estimate, help interpret, and present the results of a large range of statistical methods.' You have to install it through R, and use it in R.
R help mailing list announcements, questions and answers, etc.
Tutorials, faqs, guides..... Many of these were posted on the American Evaluation Association email list.
R Introduction and other manuals At the R home page, click on Manuals.
The R site lists other guides including Simple R, and many others.
UCLA Academic Technology page for R has tutorials, links
Beginner's guide to R
Using R for psychological research
Paul Murrell's page has slides and some instructions for R.
Rtips various tips.
Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and questionnaires J Baron and Y Li, 2011.
Kickstarting R from Research and Statistical Support, U North Texas
Quick R shows code for how to do lots of things, from basic data entry to statistics.
R videos from Coursera's class.
Swirl 'learn R in R'
Try R an on line brief class. Additional info here
CodeSchool has a class on R programming
Douglas Wiig has some tutorials on R and some GUIs for R;
More R info and links Journal about R
R is also used for data mining is a comprehensive data mining package for R
Explained a little here Rattle: A Data Mining GUI for R, by Graham Williams.
The R site for Rattle is here
Mstatc software, free download Windows 7 R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies” by Yanchang Zhao
Other - General statistical packages
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ADE-4 ADE-4 is a multivariate analysis and graphical display software package.
I sometimes have difficulty with this link. Also, I don't see any 'about' page, or page saying who developed this. Also, I think it might be an R package. I'll leave it here anyway.
AM statistical software AM is a statistical software package for analyzing data from complex samples, especially large-scale assessments.
Arc regression software From R. Dennis Cook and Sanford Weisberg. 'Arc is a free, unique, menu-driven statistical analysis tool for regression problems.' The current version is from 2004.
Develve from Frank Pauw. Develve has a free version. 'Statistical package for fast and easy interpretation of experimental data in science and R&D in a technical environment.'
Develve was used here
Adam Bownik, Zofia Stępniewska. Protective effects of bacterial osmoprotectant ectoine on bovine erythrocytes subjected to staphylococcal alpha-haemolysin. Toxicon. Volume 99, 1 June 2015, Pages 130–135
Easyreg from Herman J. Bierens. This is actually an econometrics program, but it apparently does basic statistics as well, and some very advanced statistics related to econometrics, including time series analysis.
Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) 'is an add-on package for emacs text editors such as GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It is designed to support editing of scripts and interaction with various statistical analysis programs such as R, S-Plus, SAS, Stata and JAGS'
Epidata 'aEpiData Analysis performs basic statistical analysis, graphs, and comprehensive data management. E.g. descriptive statistics, SPC Charts, Recoding data, label values and variables. Defining missing values.'
A related site is Pepi for windows at - some statistical tests and descriptives. This site also includes a few other programs such as EpiGram, simple diagramming software, and SampleXS, which is a sample size calculator, which allows for design effects. The help box has very good documentation about sampling and what the program does. For social surveyors, you need to change the confidence interval to 5 rather than .5. However, the site doesn't have any information about the people who developed this.
Instat is listed here general statistical package. A few years ago, I used an old version to import an excel file. Correlations did okay when correlating two variables. When I last used this, the last case has to have values for all variables for Instat to completely read the data, at least for correlation.
JASP An alternative to SPSS and R. A fairly new package so still being developed. A lot of it seems Bayesian, but also the usual statistical tests.
Mentioned here: What Are the Odds? A Practical Guide to Computing and Reporting Bayes Factors
The JASP team wrote about it here
Also reviewed here
One of the authors also presented the software here
Used in this study: Tali Leibovich, Noga Cohen, Avishai Henik. Itsy bitsy spider?: Valence and self-relevance predict size estimation. Biological Psychology.
Available online 21 January 2016.
Lazstat Free statistical program, from Bill Miller. According to Mr. Miller, 'LazStats is written in a free Pascal compiler (Lazarus) that can be downloaded for free and is compatible to the former Borland compiler Delphi. I've made the source of LazStats available so it can be compiled for other systems such as Apple or Linux platforms. It contains features very similar to OpenStat and any programmer can add their own routines if they want.' OpenStat is another program on this website. The 2014 version has a kind of problem, that the pairwise deletion for correlations does not work. OpenStat does listwise deletion instead, even if you specify pairwise. LazStat works, though.
MicrOsiris from Neal and Susan Van Eck. This program 'is derived from OSIRIS IV, a statistical and data management package developed and used at the University of Michigan and includes special techniques for data mining and analysis of nominal- and ordinal-scaled data. Its free but can contribute $25 to get rid of start up reminder screen.
PSPP 'isaprogramforstatisticalanalysisofsampleddata.ItisaFreereplacementfortheproprietaryprogramSPSS,andappearsverysimilartoit with a few exceptions.'
This page lists where you can get it, in all the different versions (windows, unix, mac, etc)
For the windows version, get it here

A discussion list is here
A video on PSPP by a student. 5 minutes, an overview of a few things.
SalStat general stat program, but you need to install python first. Also, no information about any of the people who made this.
SOFA - Statistics Open For All Currently being developed. From Dr Grant Paton-Simpson. Has some basic procedures, mean, median, sd, independent and paired t-tests, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks, Pearson's Chi Square, one-way ANOVAs, Kruskal Wallis H, and Spearman's and Pearson's correlations. As of 2/26/16, it does NOT have regression. Also, as of 2/26/16, the site talks about being installed on Windows 7, kinda old. No mention of 8 or 10. Can link directly to data from MySQL, SQLite, MS Access, and MS SQL Server, and can import data in csv or Excel format. Further information is here
Statistical lab for teaching stat and for doing some analysis.
Vista visual statistical system. Last updated in 1999. The site also says 'ViSta 6.4 for Windows is the first official release of ViSta 6. It has been tested and works very well under Windows 95, 98 and NT 4 and 2000. It is not available for 16-bit or 32-bit Win3.x, Macintosh or Unix machines.'
WinIDAMS WinIDAMS is a software package internationally developed by UNESCO for the validation, manipulation and statistical analysis of numerical data of any kind. (This site takes a while to load.) Unfortunately, WinIDAMS is no longer supported or updated by UNESCO. Last updated in 2008.
I've been using this program for a while. Here are some tips:
Winstat from Rick Parris. bunch of stat features. Last updated in 2012, and last updated for windows 7.
On line statistical analysis
Statistics Online Computational Resource
Classification and data mining
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Guide Classification and regression tree software. From Wei-Yin Loh.
Tanagra data mining
Weka machine language used for data mining.
Here are some tutorials
Qualitative data analysis (qda)
What is qda, how to do it, what software... look at these pages.
On line qda some how to, links to software, reviews of software
Qual page lists some software
TextStat free simple text analysis software. Word counts, and also shows where the words appear.
Saturate The website says 'Simple collaborative qualitative analysis. Saturate is the easiest way for teams to code and memo their data'
Weft QDA Weft QDA is an easy-to-use tool to assist in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, written texts and fieldnotes.
RQDA 'RDQA is a R package for Qualitative Data Analysis, a free (free as freedom) qualitative analysis software application'
QDA Miner Lite 'It can be used for the analysis of textual data such as interview and news transcripts, open-ended responses, etc. as well as for the analysis of still images.' It's missing a lot of the features of the full version, but I haven't used either so I don't know how significant the differences are.
Aquad AQUAD 7 is open-source freeware (according to the conditions of GNU GPL v.3). The recent version 7.3 allows to analyze all kinds of qualitative data:
Data visualization
Mondrian 'General purpose statistical visualization system.'
Gephi 'Interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs.'
Vidi free, for visualization
Wordle is a tool for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. Not exactly analysis, but looks kind of interesting.
Tableau I think this is free data visualization software. May be used for mapping too.
Weave The website says 'Weave is a new web-based visualization platform designed to enable visualization of any available data by anyone for any purpose.'
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Stat with excel
Excel For Statistical Data Analysis general tutorial, from Professor Hossein Arsham.
tutorial from from Alan Swank at Spring Arbor University
another tutorial number one in a set. Doesn't say who this is from.
Excel add ons
Check which version of excel the add on works with.
Statpages lists a bunch of excel add ons for statistics
Robert Nau and John Butler have this page for excel add ons for regression and multivariate data analysis
ez analyze 'adding 'point and click' functionality for analyzing data, creating graphs, and creating new variables'

Statistical software email lists
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Mapping/GIS packages available as free software
lists of software
GEO Community lists and reviews some free viewers, here
Some of the viewers or programs can do basic mapping.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation 'OSGeo was created to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use' They have a section with desktop applications, which point to Grass, Marble and QGIS.

GIS Lounge lists freeware and open source gis programs. has gis and related software. Last updated December 2013
The FreeGIS Project (last updated in 2012) provides
* software overview on free Geographic Information Systems (this web site)
* communication on developments, plans, infos on free GIS software and free Geo-Data (mailing list)
* software and data prepared for direct use (CD)
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Christine gis system web site says 'Christine is a useful, easy-to-use tool that brings geographic
information to your deskop.' I don't know anything about it. The VIEWER is free but the full program is shareware. The program is listed in the Gislounge and other places:
NYS GIS clearinghouse
Diva-Gis amappingprogram.Thewebsitesaysthis'isafreemappingprogram,sometimescalledgeographicinformationsystem(GIS),thatcanbeusedformanydifferent purposes.'
Listed here
epi info also can do maps.
GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)'is a free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization.'
Grass is listed here
gvSIG 'is a tool oriented to manage geographic information.' (May take a long time to load)
This program, well, an earlier version, is listed here
MapWindows hasaGISprogramalongwithalotofotherstuff.'TheMapWindowInterfaceissimpleandeasytouseasdemostratedinthisPicture! The MapWindow application is a free, extensible, geographic information system (GIS) that can be used: As an alternative desktop GIS, To distribute data to others, To develop and distribute custom spatial data analyses'
Map Maker Gratis is free The full professional version is available for free to not-for-profit organizations, educational establishments, and students in Africa.
OpenJump The current version can read and write shapefiles simple GML files as well as several other vector formats via plugins. ... its particular strength is the editing of geometry and attribute data.
QGIS 'isauserfriendlyOpenSourceGeographicInformationSystem(GIS)thatrunsonLinux,Unix,MacOSX,andWindows.QGISsupportsvector,raster,and database formats.'
Qgis is listed here
Other software, speadsheets, databases, graphics,
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Mstatc software, free download Windows 10
SpreadCE works on multiple systems including windows, pda's and other stuff. Shareware, but not limited.
Some office suites also have spreadsheets
Open Office
Calligra which is listed here
The calligra spreadsheet is mentioned here
SSuite listed here rated highly
Softmaker Free Office reviewed here
WPS office (had been Kingsoft Office).
rated highly here
But just so you know, Kingsoft is a Chinese company
PostgreSQL highly-scalable, SQL compliant, open source object-relational database management system.
Firebird Another relational database.
Microsoft has an sql server SQL Server Express. Also here
Gnuplot Need programming ability to use this but supposed to produce professional quality graphs. Still under development, see here Recent version released January 2015.
The gnuplot info site links to tutorials. Another is:
CTG - Gnuplot Tutorial brief, one page.
Ploticus 'A free, GPL, non-interactive software package for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data.'
EVE Embedded Vector Editor graphics program. Recommended by a colleague. I havent' tried it, but supposed to be very powerful and useful.
Dia 'Dia is a GTK+ based diagram creation program for Linux, Unix and Windows ... Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio', though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use.'
Other stuff, doing surveys on the web, misc,
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Doing Surveys
Questionnaire Programming Language 'QPL is a complete web questionnaire development and content analysis system. Using a simple language to describe your questionnaire, it automatically builds all the files you need to create a dynamic web site.'Collecting and managing data
Redcap Research Electronic Data Capture. It's a consortium which supports a secure web application (REDCap) designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies.
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Project management 'Logframer 1.3 is a free project management application for projects based on the logical framework method.'

Free Software Foundation
GNU especially see this page
Open Source Alternative to Commercial software
International Free and Open Source Software Foundation actually,I'mnotsurewhatthisis,whetherithassoftwareor not. But it seems like an interesting organization.
Standard Data Sets
Statistical Reference Datasets 'The purpose of this project is to improve the accuracy of statistical software by providing reference datasets with certified computational results that enable the objective evaluation of statistical software.'
Other software that is free to use lists misc software that is free to use
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last updated 3/6/16
last verified 3/6/16
page copyright January 2009, June 2014
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